Support Black-Owned Businesses

Did you know that today the median wealth for white families is about 12 times that for Black families and one in four Black households have zero or negative net worth compared to less than one in ten white families without wealth? (Green Business Network at Green America)  Small businesses and entrepreneurs have been longtime wealth builders in our society.  As Malcolm Evans, Chairman of the Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce explains, “During these unprecedented times of social injustice, coupled with the economic distress caused by the coronavirus pandemic, it is important for the community at-large to support Black-owned businesses.  These businesses are the life-blood for so many families and minority communities.  For many, they provide the financial resources necessary to assist first-in-family students with obtaining a postsecondary education.   I am so glad you are considering supporting Black-owned businesses during these challenging times.”

As you can see by supporting Black-owned businesses, we can create more opportunities for meaningful savings, property ownership, credit  building and generational wealth and in return strengthen communities. We can have a small part in helping level the economic playing field in America and make a difference for racial justice.

To this end, working with the Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce, NCJW has listed here Black businesses whose owners responded to our inquiries.  



woman holding open sign

Please Note  

NCJW Colorado Section is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization  and as such it cannot endorse other businesses including those listed in this post.  NCJW Colorado Section is not in any way associated with any of the companies listed herein and does not have personal knowledge of these businesses. We list them here so you can easily locate them and hopefully visit them.  Although, NCJW Colorado Section cannot guarantee satisfaction with the company or products sold nor can we be responsible for any experience you have with these companies or its products, we hope you will visit them, purchase items and share your experiences with us so we can pass your thoughts on to others. It is our sincere hope to expand this list over time and perhaps even add businesses from other communities which would benefit from our patronage.  If you know of other businesses we should list please let us know. 

COVID-19:  All of the businesses on this list have adjusted their operations to meet Covid-19 guidelines, including social/physical distancing and wearing of masks. We have listed out each businesses Covid-19 measures at the time we contacted them.  As you peruse the list, you will see that several of the businesses impose limits of the number of customers who can be inside.  Even with the implementation of enhanced cleanliness and sanitation protocols,  NCJW recommends that you contact the business before you visit in the event that hours have been further changed, to ask any questions you may have and to confirm the Covid measures that are important to you are in place. 


Check out the following sites for more Black-owned businesses: