Thanksgiving 2022 Message from NCJW Colorado Section President Jacqui Beckett

| klwarsh

Dear Members and Friends,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  At this holiday time, I want to share some thoughts about the meaning behind Thanksgiving with all of you.

In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag native Americans shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For me, this origin reminds me that America is a true melting pot and we are immigrants to this great land. Our immigrant origins makes me think of the immigration issues America faces today and NCJW’s work to help immigrants and advocate for a better path for these people who work so hard to be here. This origin also makes me think of the native Americans from whom this great country was taken and the plight of these great nations in todays America. I think of all the needs these people have today.

On Thursday, November 26, 1789, President George Washington issued a proclamation for “a day of public thanksgiving and prayer.” Beginning in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln encouraged Americans to recognize the last Thursday of November as “a day of Thanksgiving.” The beginnings of this national cherished holiday brought our country together after civil war. I hope and pray that like at the end of the civil war, this year it will help bring our democracy together after so many years of dividing rhetoric
and actions.

During the Thanksgiving week this year, 2022, I think of all I have to be thankful for, my family, my health, my friendships, the time to take a break from the daily grind to enjoy all, and for the fact that all of you stand beside me and together we have the opportunity to help make this great country a better place for ALL to live.

To this end, I hope you will consider helping feed the families in need at our adopted school through our Feed our Family Campaign and help NCJW Colorado do its work by giving to the section as part of Colorado Gives Day on December 6 th . Finally, I hope you will join us for all our great programing including:

  • Israeli Dance, Dessert and Discussion on November 30th at which we will examine four opportunities to help women and children in Israel better their lives
  • How to Effectively Advocate Lox and Bagel Brunch on December 4th and the Call your Representative Working Lunch on December 20th at which we will enhance our advocacy skills in preparation for the upcoming state legislative session
  • Join us for a Zoom Listen and Learn the evening of December 14th where we will explore the issue of sending immigrants to sanctuary cities
  • A program in Summit County on December 18th at which we will explore how to help the hungry and feed people in need

I hope you all had a a very happy holiday with cherished time with those you love and hope you will join us afterwards to help make our communities a better place for all to live. Lets make all the meaning Thanksgiving ring true this year, for immigrants, Native Americans, the healing of our country, our democracy’s future, each of our families and for all people.

Jacqui Beckett
NCJW Colorado Section

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